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25 May
Join us for the launch of 'Infrastructural Love at RIAS Bookshop, Edinburgh. There will be short presentations by Sepideh Karami, Adria Carbonell and Malin Bergman and the session will be hosted by Richard Williams.

04 April
I was invited by Neuer Berliner Kunstverein n.b.k to discuss Critical Infrastructures with Keller Easterling, Gustav Cederlöf, and Ute Tellmann.

16 Jan
This term Laura Harty and I are running the Tectonics design unit at ESALA for the second round. The unit, Getting (Un)Stuck: (De)Signs and Stories beyond Petroleum, focuses on design scenarios for a post-petroleum world in Mossmorran, Fife, Scotland.

04 Jan
My text, "Act 01: Love! On Political Love vs. Institutional Loyalty" is published in the book, Performing Institutions: Contested Sites and Structures of Care.

19 Nov
My video "Thus Spoke Plankton" was shown in the panel Environmental Storytelling Circle at AHRA Conference, Climate Collectivism in New York.

15 Nov
Our text, "Architecture as Infrastructure: The Spatial Politics of Extractivism," co-authored with Hélène Frichot is published in The Routledge Handbook of Architecture, Urban Space and Politics.

08 Nov
I will talk about storytelling and the political importance of stories in the Symposium Rooted Encounters at LUCA School of Arts.

07 Oct
Our text "Our Infrastructural Loves: Architectural Pedagogies of Care and Support" is published in Journal of Architectural Education, Pedagogies for a Broken World.

02 October
My text, "Thus Spoke Plankton" is published in the book Amanda: The Building Institute edited by Olga Micińska.

17 September
My work "Thus Spoke Plankton" is going to be exhibited at the exhibition Fences, Insects, Embroideries (Material Communities) curated by Karin Reisinger in Vienna at WIENWOCHE 2022, 17-24 September.

5 September
My text "Starting from the Mess: The "Environment-Worlds" of Architectural Research and Design" is now published in the book, The Hybrid Practitioner.

15 July
My text "No Longer a Prison: The Logistics and Politics of Transforming a Prison as Work of Architecture" is now published in Space and Culture.

21 June
Our book Infrastructural Love: Caring for Our Architectural Support Systems is out! It was a great pleasure to work on this book along with Hélène Frichot, Adria Carbonell and Hannes Frykholm.

02 - 12 June
Our Unit, "Getting (Un)Stuck: (De)Signs and Stories beyond Petroleum" is exhibiting the students' work at ECA Graduate Show 2022.

01 June
I talked about "Experimental Methods for Investigating Place" in Hospitalfield in Arbroath today. A day of SGSAH Workshop Researching & Practicing Place with a group of PhD students, artists and researchers from various fields.

11 May
I'm invited to give a talk on "Decolonial Narratives" in the symposium "Global Geographies of Colonial Power" at KTH Architecture, organised by Adria Carbonell.

11 Apri
I am invited to give a talk about my Oily Stories research, titled "To Oil: Decolonial Narratives" at The University of Melbourne, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning.

7 March
My text, "A Trilogy of Getting Stuck: Methods of (un)knowing" is published in Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts, On (Un)Knowns.

15 Feb
Rosie Heinrich and I presented and performed our work "Language Involution" at the conference "Affinities + Urgencies in Language-based Artistic Research (PART II)."

17 Jan
This term, I am leading the unit "Getting (un)Stuck: (De)Signs and Stories beyond Petroleum" at ESALA. Teaching together with Rosie Milne, we aim to expand architecture as a Support Structure in the context of Mossmorran in Fife, Scotland.

01 Jan
I'm delighted to start my new position as a Lecturer in Architecture at ESALA, The University of Edinburgh, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

10 Dec
My short text "Sludge: An Imagined World beyond Development" is published in Architectural Dissonances edited by L'Internationale Online and daas.

04 Nov
Our text, "When the Parrots of Tehran Confess", co-authored with Elahe Karimnia, is now published in Listening to Non-Human Life, edited by @beyond collective for Theatrum Mundi.

01 Oct
I've been working as the chair of ESALA Public Lecture Working Group, curating the series Frictions: ESALA'S Public Lecture Series 2021-22, at Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. All events are free. Register here.

24 May
I am invited to join the board of trustees at Theatrum Mundi, an organisation for research and experimentation in the public culture of cities. Very much looking forward to working with such wonderful team over the next two years.

05 May
I give a talk on "Coloniality, Infrastructures and Sites of Extraction" at KTH School of Architecture, MA Programme SUPD, in the course, Urban Economies.

28 April
I give a lecture at KU Leuven, discussing the power of storytelling and construction of the "plural I" with students from the Master Studio Mediating Tactics: Uninvited Practices.

23 April
I'm reading parts of my piece, "Ecologies of Waiting: Stories of a Vacant Land" in episode 20 of Radio Cyklopen. The piece is published in Waiting: A Project in Conversation, edited by Shahram Khosravi.

09-23 April
My solo exhibition, "Oily Stories: Those Planktons" will be held in "All Art Now" in Stockholm 9-23 April, as the first act in the series "Troubled Home" curated by Maryam Omrani.

05 April
I participate in the sound-walk perfoemance, "TRANSFERENCE", with Ronda Bautista, Tim Shaw, Jacek Smolicki as part of "Walking Festival of Sound."

18 March
Together with Elaheh Karimnia, we are going to present, "When Parrots of Tehran Confess" at the conference, Listening to Non-Human Life: Crafting a Sonic Urbanism.

20 Jan
My chapter, "Ecologies of Waiting: Stories of a Vacant Land" is published in Waiting: A Project in Conversation, edited by Shahram Khosravi.

15 Jan 2021
I present my work "Sludge: How to Tell Decolonising Stories of Oil", at the seminar EXTRACTIONS, organised by KTH School of Architecture Higher Seminar.

12 Jan
I've been working as the chair of ESALA Public Lecture Series working group, curating the public lecture programme Frictions 2021 at Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. All events are free and open to public. Please register here.

Two pieces of my work is now published in Practice Sharing — an online presentation of expanded approaches to language-based practice within the field of artistic research, edited by Emma Cocker, Alexander Damianisch, Cordula Daus and Lena Séraphin

My chapter "The Door Left Ajar: On Dissident Waiting and Collective Fiction" is now published in Writing Architectures: Ficto-Critical Approaches Edited by H. Frichot & N. Stead.

22-24 Oct
I'll present "Troubled Sites and Oily Stories: Situated Storytelling as a Decolonizing Method" at the conference Alliances and Commonalities, Uniarts Stockholm, Sweden

08-10 Oct
I'll present "Starting from the Mess: 'Environment-Worlds' of Architectural Research and Design" at the conference The Practice of Architectural Research, Ghent, Belgium.

I am working as the chair of ESALA Public Lecture Series working group, curating the public lecture programme Frictions 2020-21 with other colleagues at Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

13-17 July
I'll present Three Convicts: The Dam, The War, The Oil: An Ecological Stage of Disaster in Mesopotamian Marshes at the conference Theater Ecologies: Environment, Sustainability and Politics, IFTR Galway

25-28 March
I'll present Troubled Sites and Oily Stories at the conference Crisis Collective: The 11th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research, SAR 2020

27 Jan
I'll be working as a Simpson Postdoctoral Fellow at Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture for two years. I will develop my research on (de)colonising Infrastructures and infrastructure architecture situated in ecologies shaped by extraction of natural resources.
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