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drawing by Sepideh Karami

Sepideh Karami is an architect, writer, teacher and researcher with a PhD in Architecture, Critical Studies, from KTH School of Architecture, Sweden (2018). She developed her thesis Interruption: Writing a Dissident Architecture, through writing practices and critical fiction as political practices of making architectural spaces. She completed her architecture education at Iran University of Science and Technology (MA Architecture, 2002), and at Chalmers University in Sweden (MSc Design for Sustainable Development, 2010). She has been committed to pedagogy, research and practice in different international contexts such as Iran, Sweden, Kenya and the UK since the beginning of her engagement in the field in 1997. 

She works through artistic research, experimental methods and interdisciplinary approaches at the intersection of architecture, performing arts, literature and geology, with the ethos of decolonization, minor politics and criticality from within. 

She has presented, performed and exhibited her work at international conferences and platforms, and is published in peer reviewed journals. She has been a Lecturer at KTH School of Architecture since 2018, and is currently a Lecturer in Architecture at The University of Edinburgh, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

Oh to be a bird

Oh to have a beak 

 Sepideh Karami - Writer, Architect, Researcher, Teacher © 2021

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